This page explains a bunch of different things that can be configured in the Streamduck daemon.
Configuration folder:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
$HOME/Library/Application Support/streamduck
- Windows:
This folder has to be manually created.
If your system is not supported, it will use the current working directory
Configuration file
File config.toml
should be located in your configuration folder, if it doesn't exist, create one if you want to change anything.
You can use a different location with the
Streamduck uses default values for config values if they don't exist, so you don't have to add everything if you just want to change pooling rate. Default values are used in examples.
Here's what you can change using the config file:
This enables or disables the automatic device config saving.
The parameter accepts true or false.
autosave = true
Frame rate
This determines frame rate of animated images.
The parameter accepts positive integers. The larger the number, the more FPS you'll be able to get.
frame_rate = 100
Reconnect rate
This determines how often Streamduck will be checking for disconnected devices.
The parameter accepts seconds in positive float format.
reconnect_rate = 1.0
Plugin compatibility checks
This allows plugins to skip the compatibility check. This could crash the application if incompatible plugins are used.
The parameter accepts true or false.
plugin_compatibility_checks = true
Device config path
This tells Streamduck where to keep device configs, folder will be created if it doesn't exist.
device_config_path = "./devices"
Fonts path
This tells Streamduck where it should seek for fonts. If there's no folder at path, nothing will be loaded.
font_path = "./fonts"
Plugins path
This tells Streamduck where it should seek for plugins. If there's no folder at path, nothing will be loaded.
plugin_path = "./plugins"
Plugin settings path
This tells Streamduck at what path it should create json file for keeping settings of plugins.
plugin_settings_path = "./global.json"
Custom fonts
Custom fonts can be installed by creating a folder called fonts
in your configuration folder (or whatever was specified in font_path
), and dropping in .ttf or .otf files.
Fonts will be automatically loaded on next run of the daemon, and will be available to be selected in Streamduck clients.
Plugins can be installed by dropping dynamic library files (.dll or .so for respective platform) into plugins
folder inside your configuration folder.
Plugins will be automatically loaded on next run of the daemon. If any error happens during plugin loading, it will be logged by the daemon. So if something doesn't work, check logs of the daemon and find out.